J'ai écrit une solution rapide, qui vérifie chaque annotation position contre le défaut de paiement boîtes englobantes pour tous les autres annotations. Si il y a une collision, elle change de position pour la prochaine collision place de libre. Il met aussi à nice flèches.
Pour une assez exemple extrême, il va produire ce (aucun des numéros de chevauchement):
![enter image description here]()
Au lieu de cela:
![enter image description here]()
Voici le code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.random import *
def get_text_positions(x_data, y_data, txt_width, txt_height):
a = zip(y_data, x_data)
text_positions = y_data.copy()
for index, (y, x) in enumerate(a):
local_text_positions = [i for i in a if i[0] > (y - txt_height)
and (abs(i[1] - x) < txt_width * 2) and i != (y,x)]
if local_text_positions:
sorted_ltp = sorted(local_text_positions)
if abs(sorted_ltp[0][0] - y) < txt_height: #True == collision
differ = np.diff(sorted_ltp, axis=0)
a[index] = (sorted_ltp[-1][0] + txt_height, a[index][1])
text_positions[index] = sorted_ltp[-1][0] + txt_height
for k, (j, m) in enumerate(differ):
#j is the vertical distance between words
if j > txt_height * 2: #if True then room to fit a word in
a[index] = (sorted_ltp[k][0] + txt_height, a[index][1])
text_positions[index] = sorted_ltp[k][0] + txt_height
return text_positions
def text_plotter(x_data, y_data, text_positions, axis,txt_width,txt_height):
for x,y,t in zip(x_data, y_data, text_positions):
axis.text(x - txt_width, 1.01*t, '%d'%int(y),rotation=0, color='blue')
if y != t:
axis.arrow(x, t,0,y-t, color='red',alpha=0.3, width=txt_width*0.1,
head_width=txt_width, head_length=txt_height*0.5,
Voici le code de la production de ces parcelles, montrant l'utilisation:
#random test data:
x_data = random_sample(100)
y_data = random_integers(10,50,(100))
fig2 = plt.figure()
ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111)
ax2.bar(x_data, y_data,width=0.00001)
#set the bbox for the text. Increase txt_width for wider text.
txt_height = 0.04*(plt.ylim()[1] - plt.ylim()[0])
txt_width = 0.02*(plt.xlim()[1] - plt.xlim()[0])
#Get the corrected text positions, then write the text.
text_positions = get_text_positions(x_data, y_data, txt_width, txt_height)
text_plotter(x_data, y_data, text_positions, ax2, txt_width, txt_height)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.bar(x_data, y_data, width=0.0001)
#write the text:
for x,y in zip(x_data, y_data):
ax.text(x - txt_width, 1.01*y, '%d'%int(y),rotation=0)